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4. The One Leg Circle


Otherwise known as single leg circle. Single leg circle is performed to improve pelvic stability, abdominal control, flexibility/mobility around the hips, and scapular stability. I like to stretch the hammies a little bit before putting the legs in orbit. This is the first exercise that requires stability at the pelvis and spine (with the smaller circles). It appears to be an easy exercise. However, when performed correctly, it takes quite a bit of pelvic stability. I actually think Joe's version is a little easier and allows for more mobility. 


Classical version: same start position, classical version allows for larger circles where the pelvis will roll off the floor (Joe's version). 

Recommended version: lie on back with arms at sides and ankles flexed. Pelvis remains stable and in a neutral position. Typically, there is less range of motion (smaller circles) 


Click here for the One Leg Circle VIDEO


Joe's Version: 

1. Inhale to raise right leg to vertical (or as close to vertical as possible) and point right ankle. 


2. Exhale sweep right leg left across midline allowing pelvis to roll off the floor and down towards right foot. 


3. Inhale to sweep out to the right side and back up to vertical closing the circle. Repeat five times. Then switch directions. Exhale as leg lowers out to the right, inhale to bring leg across midline and back to vertical. Repeat five times. 


Smaller Circles:

1. Inhale to raise right leg to vertical (or as close to vertical as possible while maintaining neutral pelvis) and point right ankle. 


2. Exhale sweep right leg left across midline while maintaining neutral pelvis and down towards right foot. 


3. Inhale to sweep out to the right side without affecting pelvis and back up to vertical closing the circle. Repeat five times. Then switch directions. Exhale as leg lowers out to the right, inhale to bring leg across midline and back to vertical. Repeat five times.


To aid in stability with both versions: reach out from the hip through the stationary leg, gently press heel and hamstrings of the stationary leg into floor, gently press hands and/or elbows into floor, 


Modifications: for tight hamstrings either use a smaller range of motion or slightly bend the knee in the circling leg, bend knee and put foot flat on floor of the stationary leg, use a resistance band to assist with leg circles, knee stirs (perform circles with knee bent). 



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Columbia, MO 65203


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